Who Are the Last Note Singers?

Who Can Be A Member?
Our member selection process is simple: if you have the interest, desire and commitment to sing then you’re welcome to join! All we ask is that you possess the basic skills necessary to memorize and sing the music, with the ability to match musical pitch. We do not hold auditions, since we've found the vast majority of people know whether they can sing or not.
We encourage you to come to a rehearsal and check us out. We have an easy-going mentality and loose vibe.
Our Rehearsal and Performance Schedule
We have two music seasons:
Rehearsals: Tuesdays, 7 - 9 pm. September - November
Performances: December
Rehearsals: Tuesdays, 7 - 9 pm. February - April
Performances: May - June
We encourage new members to begin early in the season (no later than the fourth rehearsal) so you have plenty of time to learn and memorize all the music.
Our seasonal dues are currently $100 to cover our costs (space rental, music, practice CDs, drinks at break, etc.). Dues need to be received by the fifth rehearsal. If you have special financial hardships, we can work it out!
We've found over the years that the VAST majority of people are aware of whether they can sing or not. This is why we do not require auditions. We welcome all interested singers provided the criteria on the Who Can Be a Member paragraph above is met. We hope the choir will be a great learning experience for those with little or no group-singing history, and a great outlet for those who have sung their whole lives in various organizations. We really do house a tremendous amount of vocal talent—but not everyone is a Solo-quality singer—that's what's nice about singing with a choir. Strong singers can help other singers to blossom.
While we remain a performance-driven choir, it seems a growing trend for some members to sing with us during rehearsals without the intention to perform, for various reasons. We don't see a problem with this, as long as the member isn't disruptive and provided we are aware of that intention. Some don't feel they have the ability to memorize the program, some have physical limitations that won't allow standing or singing through an entire concert, some may suffer stage fright, and some will simply be unavailable for the performance season. But whatever the reason, we'd like to think that we offer a unique opportunity for those individuals to include singing in their lives despite these circumstances.
Singing is a joy, and a healing power. We hate to deny that to any singer!

Our History
Our story begins on January 3rd, 1978, in a Capitol Hill living room, where enthusiastic singers gathered together to harmonize. This the the first meeting of the Denver Free University class "Discover Singing Again" which carried on and the class evolved into the Last Note Singers. Our name derived from our unerring ability to find the last note of a song regardless of how well or poorly the rest of the tune was carried.
As the years rolled by, we met at different members' homes and sang, partied and made decisions together. Along the way, the consensus of the group was that we wanted to share our music with the public; thus we began performing at nursing homes. Over the years, little has changed in that we still love to perform, party and "hash" decisions out within the entire group.
As the group grew, the venues have broadened from nursing homes to include the Botanic Gardens, Denver Zoo, Georgetown Winter Festival, and many other events. With the group expanding, there arose a need for a musical director as well as an internal structure to facilitate the conducting of group business. The group adopted a set of guidelines for this purpose. The Guidelines clarify the roles and responsibilities of members and officers alike. These guidelines provide the necessary internal structure for the group without stifling the group's personality.
From the rich tradition started by the original members, the Last Note Singers have maintained the values with which the group began. Although we strive for musical excellence, we balance that pursuit with an emphasis on social interaction.